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Joy of Life

joy of life

Sunday morning bliss!☕❤
Things have changed. Two years ago I changed my life. I finally made myself a priority in MY life. I learned to self-respect and love myself. With a VW Jetta full of my most personal things, I walked out of a 21 year and two children relationship. I started the second chapter of my life. Undeniably, it's one of the hardest things I have ever done, but it is also the 'RIGHTEST' thing I have ever done!

I've had a few crazy shitty things to deal with in my life, but I believe today self-love makes the difference between putting your head in the sand and holding your head up high again - after you got up and dusted yourself off. Even if there are tears running down your face, you look those challenges in the eye and know that life happens, but YOU are in charge of how you live your life. What is it going to be? Giving up or JOY? What are you choosing for yourself? I love myself enough to want a joyous life with NO regrets. Yes, you will lose people along the way, it hurts, there are sacrifices, but the result is amazing!! You will live an extraordinary life - truly YOUR life - that is filled with people that really matter, love, joy and passion.

Remember, this is it! This is no dress rehearsal! You've got one shot at this and if you are not 110% happy, stop complaining and procrastinating! Figure out what YOU want and live it!! Happy Sunday to ya'll!!😘